Diverse portfolio of published work on the following subject matter:

Political issues
National security & intelligence
Data privacy
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)
Current Notable Publications:

Number One Observatory Circle
Our Nation’s No. 2
Texas Titans
Marine One Past & FUTURE - A Turning Point in Presidential Transportation
Biographical Work:

Biographer to three U.S. Vice Presidents.
Published a double biography (2021) on President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of State James A. Baker, III.
Upcoming Publications:

Biographies on three former U.S. Vice Presidents (Dan Quayle, Al Gore, Dick Cheney).
Air Force One. The Presidential Flying Fortress. (2024).
Into the Dark. How the U.S. Intelligence Community Protects America, and the World (2025).
Data Defenders. Protecting Your Data in the Digital Age (2026).
Every Four Years. The American Presidential Cycle from JFK to Trump. (2027).