Second Act: Life After Politics | Release Date (TBD)

To millions across the country, Dan Quayle is remembered as a former Vice President of the United States assuming office at the tender age of 41, the third youngest man to hold the vice presidency. Yet his career, his life, is much more than politics. He left the political world in 1993, in some respects, never looking back, amassing more than three decades of experience on the global financial marketplace with Cerberus, one of the world’s elite financial institutions.
The story of Dan Quayle is that of a second act, his life after politics and the successes in chairing global strategies for Cerberus, the lessons learned, and how America must prepare for the future of the global economy. Make no mistake, his political career was remarkable in many ways. A Congressman at just twenty-nine. A Senator at thirty-three. Vice President of the United States at forty-one. And perhaps if things had played out differently, the mild-mannered Midwesterner would have been elected to the presidency.
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